Analysys Mason has recognized IP Infusion as the market leader in its “CSP IP network disaggregation: understanding the vendor landscape” report for network operating systems (NOS). The report breaks down 5 communications service provider (CSP) NOS vendor offerings and evaluates each vendor for their use case support, cloud-based platform architecture, CSP customer traction, and ecosystem and industry standards. Analysys Mason is the world’s leading management consultancy focused on telecoms, media and technology. It brings together commercial and technical expertise across strategy, transaction support, transformation, regulation and policy, further strengthened by globally respected research.
According to Analysys Mason, IP Infusion is the market leader in terms of disaggregation capabilities, experience, open-source credentials and the number of CSP customers that are deploying their solutions.
Overview of CSP NOS vendors’ scores for each area of assessment:
The Analysys Mason scores each CSP NOS vendor in four categories. IP Infusion is the only NOS vendor who earns the highest overall score and recognized as the Market Leader (top score) in two categories – CSP customer traction and Ecosystem and industry standards.
IP Infusion is recognized as the NOS market leader for its broad range of use case deployments in CSPs of all sizes, a rich heritage of open-source routing, broad hardware and silicon support, carrier-grade products and production deployments.
Talk to us about how we can accelerate disaggregation for you!